Over 10K Students
Instructor Jay has had the privilege of providing over 10,000 students with the training required to obtain their concealed certification and the training to handle a situation when under duress. Jay’s goal is to empower everyone to survive the fight and not become a victim but a survivor!
Our Services
Select From Below

Step 1 Concealed Zoom Course
This course offered via zoom is designed to instruct the student on the Florida use of force laws, in short this courses teachs you how to stay out of jail.

Step 2 Pistol Qualification Course
This is the course taken after the student has completed the online concealed certification course via zoom. The student will be instructed on the safe handling and discharge of a firearm.

Step 3 Intermediate Course
This course is designed to have the student feel confident with a firearm drawing from a concealed position and shooting on target from a concealed position.

Step 4 Advance Course
By this course the student has become confident with the handling of the firearm and will participate in drills that include moving and shooting, simulating an active threat.
Signup Today
If you have no experience sign up today with step one by selecting our next zoom step 1 course offered every other Monday
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